Contaminated Land

Contaminated soil

Contaminated soil can often be found during demolition, large scale land development, building and civil works when the soil on a site is disrupted.

Corvex work closely with our clients to determine the extent of the contamination and develop a tailored remediation strategy.

We understand the impact that asbestos may have on site and have a multitude of cost-effective, safe, and efficient remediation options. Our aim is to work with you to get your project operational, avoiding loss of time or lengthy delays due to unexpected contamination. 

Our team is highly experienced and equipped with the necessary resources, licenses, and expertise.  If you encounter any asbestos impacted soil, Corvex are here to assist.

Did you know?

Asbestos-contaminated soil comprises non-attached pieces of asbestos cement products and other material containing asbestos uncovered in soil during other work activities.

Contamination can be detected during building and road construction and excavation, waste disposal, damage following a severe weather event such as a hail storm, weathering over time, or when asbestos is poorly handled or damaged during removal.

Asbestos-contaminated soil is also subject to requirements of other regulatory agencies such as the EPA, Public Health and local governments and National Environmental Protection Measure (NEPM).

All asbestos and any contaminated soil removed must be disposed of as asbestos waste according to the EPA and the requirements of the local licensed waste disposal facility.